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I’m lost and confused in a world that doesn’t understand me, lost in a world of hate and love. What am I supposed to do? Lost in a world that hates me for who I am. Lost and confused in a world that just wants to bring me to my knees, all alone by myself, alone with my thoughts, trapped inside the cell that is my mind. Forced to try and carry on, for this world hates me. Ridiculed and mocked for whom I am. Forced to conform, just so my life means something. Trapped inside my head, all alone, forced to be one with society when I would be better off alone. For I am already alone in a world that hates me. So why am I forced to deal with society, and be forced to swim in this sea of stupidity and ignorance? My life means nothing to this world, I m just a puny loser, so why am I forced to stay here in this sea of hate? All alone trapped within my head, alone in a world that doesn’t understand me and hates me for who I am.

pUnK iS wHaT aNyMoRe

Today all people really think about is how am I going to look today, or how am I going to do in such and such today? I now believe that everyone believes in labels, because people think that their labels make them who they are. But the only thing that a label causes is problems, we have enough trouble in today’s society, why increase it with labels? Like for instance these big wanna-be thugs that think there such hot shit. And yet the only way that they cause problems is when they are grouped together with their boys. Hey I guess security comes in numbers or something. But to me punk is more then a label, punk, is what I’am inside. It is I and it is my friends. But like Steveo said its nothing more then a label, even though you counterdict your self, and all of your beliefs. But what is punk? Punk is not an attitude. Punk is a lifestyle; one can only live it to feel it, to experience it. It’s this exhilarating thrill to know that you are not one with society, but you are in fact your own society. Because punks only get along with other punks, punks are the only people who see the world as what it is, nothing more then a filthy pitiful excuse for a thing everyone is forced to call a life. Id rather be punk then a fuckin wigger or a fuckin prep. I mean fuck you if you already thinking it, Im who I am and nothing more. I hate it when friends turn into posers like Matt, he I thought he was true punk, true hardcore, but he was nothing more then a trendy ass poser. But I guess that’s the total irony of it all, when it comes down to the end, and win or lose comes up, well I’ll turn poser then, and do what I have to do, but I’d rather be pure hardcore punk while I’m young, I want something to live for. I want to be who I’am now then what Matt is, just some asshole trying to fit in with the rest of the frickin crowd, while of course I’m stuck out, and forced to be the odd man out. Well fuck it, I don’t care anymore. Let them be like that, let them be fuckin posers, while the hell should I even have to give a damn?? Why the hell should I be forced to deal with some guy who thinks he such hot shit, but in the end he’ll be just another person who wont be able to say, I lived my life to the fullest, I did have fun. And goddamn as I was doing it, I was having a lot of fun to. SO just fuck it. PUNK IS WHO IAM, SO FUCK OFF

um im going to poot more on when i decide what to put